Thursday, August 19, 2010


Dear Blog,
       Im writting to you as a way of documenting my rather haphazard and random life. I dont lead a particulatly exciting or interesting life, but I believe in making the most of all situations. That said, I've recently failed to have no regrets, the one rule I attempt to live my life by, so I have decided to give myself a fresh start and I thought that documenting this in letters to you would help me be totally honest with myself about who I am and what I want, and maybe teach me a little about myself along the way.
       I should probably start by introducing myself, but as these letters are going to be annonomous I'm afraid I will have to be rather vague. I'm a college student, I'm single, I can drive, I'm of average height and weight. In other words my basic description is similar to that of many many girls, and there in lies the beauty of this plan, I live a normal life, hopefully one you can identify with.
       I shall try and keep these letters as frequent as possible, some will be addressed to the world at large and some will be addressed to individuals. Hopefully this little project will help guide me through the bewildering years of becoming an adult and will teach me a little about myself, as no one can teach you more about yourself then you can, after all who knows you better?

Yours Truly